I enjoy doing these reviews as I almost always find myself thinking about a song in a new or different way and this one is no exception. When Future Past came out, I listened a lot to the album, mostly through my AirPods wandering around the house but not paying serious attention unless a song grabbed me. Then, once my physical copies arrived, Future Past got put in the good old-fashioned CD player that lives in my car. (That should tell you how old my car is!) In both settings, this song tended to get lost. While I’m not totally sure why, my best guess is that I did not connect to it, lyrically.
There is nothing wrong with the lyrics but they are not where my head is at these days. I would go so far as to say that these lyrics are more surface level, nothing-too-serious lyrics. In that sense, they remind me of “classic” Duran Duran, or at least how many people see Duran. They are fun and focused on some sort of romantic relationship from what I can tell. That being said, there are a few lines that just make me wonder. Why throw the line about music lovers in there? Is there more going on than what is on the surface?
While the lyrics are reminiscent of classic Duran, musically, it feels that way as well. This is one of those songs that instruments are present and accounted for. I adore the bass at the beginning, for example. The upbeat tempo also helps make it feel like more old-school Duran. Simon’s vocals are solid and I appreciate the additional vocals by Barli. They are mixed into the song well and provide some depth without being overpowering in any way.
Overall, this song feels like a quality, typical Duran song. While I’m not connecting with it as much as others for whatever reason, there is not a ton to really criticize here. I’m not sure it is musical genius but it is a fun track to listen to. Will it stand the test of time? I’m not sure. I think it is one of those tracks that will always be enjoyable but will never reach the same level as something like Sunrise in post reunion eras or any of the real classics like Rio.