If you take the time to read this blog every day – and I know there are some of you out there that really do just that – my guess is that you love music. Sure, maybe some of you love Duran Duran and this fandom so much that you read, but my best guess is that you love MUSIC.
I’m in that camp. Oh, no doubt that I love Duran Duran, but music is in my soul. It is what keeps my heart beating, and it is truthfully what keeps me going, especially now. I came across the following quote at some point as I skipped across the internet one day. If my heart could write even half as well as Stephanie Bennett-Henry, I would have composed these very same words myself.

I don’t know that I have a whole lot more to add. I’m struggling this week. I try very hard to avoid reading the papers or seeing articles that might leave me wondering if we’ll ever get out of this pandemic mess. This past week – it hasn’t been easy. Hearing that concerts are now being rescheduled for 2022 makes my heart sink like a weight. Reading that current vaccines might not ever get us away from wearing masks, or worrying about the next variant to show up somewhere… It’s tough to get past all of that. I try to find the good in the things I can do: like being outdoors, breathing clean air, and sitting in sunshine, but let’s face it, there is a lot we are all missing.
I miss this band, my friends, my sister, and my mom. Sometimes, I just have to acknowledge those feelings, accept them, take a deep breath, and move on. Music helps. As much as that virus might try, it can’t kill the music.