Random Fandom: Video Clips

I doubt that I’m not the only one out there saying that this has been quite a week. Obviously, there has been a lot of news here in the States, much of which is simply concerning to exhausting. On top of that, my jobs (both paid and unpaid) are increasing in intensity, leaving me longing for a vacation or, at the very least, a nap or ten. Despite all of that, this week has also reminded me of another time and another place when joy and fun were not just words but actual things to experience. Yes, as mentioned in yesterday’s Vodka Friday, this weekend marks five years since Rhonda and I attended our first Paper Gods shows. Therefore, based on my utter need to escape reality, let’s enjoy some videos clips from those shows. I know that they will make me feel better and maybe they will do the same for you!

Hollywood Bowl – October 1, 2015

Berkeley – October 2, 2015

Agua Caliente – October 3, 2015

On that note, here’s hoping that the next week is more like these clips and less like reality!


By Daily Duranie

Once upon a time, there were two Duran Duran fans. One named Amanda, the other named Rhonda. Over many vodka tonics, they would laugh about the idea of one day writing a book about their fan experiences. While that manuscript is still being composed...Rhonda thought they should write a blog. (What was she THINKING?!) Lo and behold: The Daily Duranie was born.

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