Kissing Those Posters

When I think of Simon, John or Nick - this is how I see them in my mind’s eye.

I know that I cannot be the only fan out there that wallpapered her (or his) bedroom with Duran Duran posters. Truth be told, I was a little obsessed with this task, choosing to spend a lot of my time back in the 80s on the magazine aisle at any store my mom and dad… Continue reading Kissing Those Posters

Memorabilia Medley: Posters–Old or New?

This is one of the posters I bought again as an adult

I have a confession to make. Every once in awhile when I am feeling particularly blah, unmotivated or uninspired, I start doing some online shopping. I have to admit that a lot of times I will reach for the standards to give myself a little pick me up, a little something to look forward to.… Continue reading Memorabilia Medley: Posters–Old or New?