What in the Heck is a Real Fan?

Over the years I’ve written for Daily Duranie and researched fandom, there are two things I’ve seen in Duranland specifically: competition between fans to be “the Best”, and a constant policing of the community in order to establish, and maintain who should be “the Real Fans”.  What in the heck is a real fan, anyway? If you’re like me, you’re frustrated that at this point in our lives, we’re still playing these games. Let’s talk about it on today’s episode! -R

By Daily Duranie

Once upon a time, there were two Duran Duran fans. One named Amanda, the other named Rhonda. Over many vodka tonics, they would laugh about the idea of one day writing a book about their fan experiences. While that manuscript is still being composed...Rhonda thought they should write a blog. (What was she THINKING?!) Lo and behold: The Daily Duranie was born.

1 comment

  1. Such a great topic today….I think there’s a lot of hard feelings about non-US fans not being able to listen to Whoooosh! now that it’s on SiriusXM. While it may be a longstanding feeling, it certainly has bubbled to the surface!

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