Lady Xanax

On to the ninth track on Pop Trash, “Lady Xanax”. Nick wrote this song, and according to Katy on, “it is actually about someone he knows who represents spiraling into despair and unable to find any sense of purpose in her life”. The song is a ballad, some characterizing the song as having a… Continue reading Lady Xanax

This Week in DD History: October 17-23, 2021


Why is October flying by so quickly this year?!? It feels like I just barely turned the calendar from September! Perhaps it is due to the band performing this month. Maybe it is because we’ve been waiting SO LONG for #DD15 that time has taken pity on us…it’s not very long now before the released… Continue reading This Week in DD History: October 17-23, 2021

Why Some and Not Others?

Photo by Aidan Roof on

The baseball season ended this week. Now, I know that there are four teams still involved in the playoffs but, for me, for my family, it ended once our beloved Chicago White Sox was eliminated. The playoffs were a big deal for my family as everything from clothing choices to daily schedules to unplanned but… Continue reading Why Some and Not Others?

Just Before Liftoff: Astronaut in 2004

This time of year always reminds me of two things: the Friends of Mine Convention in New Orleans, and the release of Astronaut in 2004. These two events took place just weeks apart from one another, and the whole fan community had a buzz of energy. Back in those days, I don’t think things were… Continue reading Just Before Liftoff: Astronaut in 2004

Mars Meets Venus

Pop Trash

From just five years after (1995) was developed comes Mars Meets Venus (2000). The song takes a satirical look at dating in the modern-age, and was produced by TV Mania. The fact that “modern-age” was used in a sentence here is already unnerving, but never mind. It is Monday. Let’s just take a listen!… Continue reading Mars Meets Venus