Ready for a little more “Invisible”?

It’s Friday! There’s vodka…and there’s the entire Daily Duranie team on a Zoom call! Hey, would you look at that, we CAN all be on the same screen at once! What could possibly go wrong??! Join us for another wildly entertaining afternoon of Rhonda attempting to drive the Vodka Friday train. Will they agree that… Continue reading Ready for a little more “Invisible”?

We Heard There Was a Debut Having a 40th Anniversary….

Duran Duran - debut

It’s that time again for Vodka Friday! Sure, Rio might be 39 and without a single wrinkle, but the Duran Duran debut album is 40 years old this month. Let that sink in for a hot second. While we struggle to figure out where the time has gone, we also took time to celebrate with… Continue reading We Heard There Was a Debut Having a 40th Anniversary….

Yes, It’s Friday

And yes…we should be having vodka right now. In fact, maybe we are! Okay, okay, reality is, there’s no Vodka Friday video this week. This is largely my fault, and not because I drank too much vodka (although, that certainly would be a much more interesting story and excuse). I am a bit on the… Continue reading Yes, It’s Friday

Let’s talk Duran Duran with Bart Van Bemmel!

This month, we celebrate Bart Van Bemmel as our Fan of the Month! As a long time fan of the band, Bart has taken his fandom to the next level with the tribute band, Wild Boys: the Duran Duran Experience. You can bet that we chatted about all things Duran Duran, including guitar players, set… Continue reading Let’s talk Duran Duran with Bart Van Bemmel!

Not Even Remotely Light Conversation About Duran Duran, Part One

Do you recall your own perception of Duran Duran back in the 80’s? Perhaps you were a tween or teen…can you remember how you “saw” the band back then? Well, we begin tear this subject apart on this episode of Vodka Friday this week. Join us for a conversation that is neither light, nor shallow,… Continue reading Not Even Remotely Light Conversation About Duran Duran, Part One

A Little “Light” Conversation about Duran Duran Music

We don’t think anyone would ever say that we were short on opinions. That’s probably one good reason we began writing to begin with! Rest assured, we know we have them, and occasionally even put them to “good use”! On this Vodka Friday, we get into a fairly deep conversation about music – specifically Duran… Continue reading A Little “Light” Conversation about Duran Duran Music

Grab a cocktail!

Vodka tonic in a can!

It’s that time again! Friday, and that means it is time to grab a beverage, settle in and enjoy another episode of Vodka Friday with Amanda and Rhonda! Today marks a new beginning for VF as we not only put up a video for those of you who enjoy watching us act like fools each… Continue reading Grab a cocktail!