Your Fandom Story
My story goes like this: I first heard of them when the song “Hungry Like the Wolf” came out in my teens in the early 80s. What drew me to the song and the video was it was nothing I had ever seen or heard before as it had a “Raiders Of The Lost Ark” feel to it when the band members where searching for Simon. I became hooked on them with the frequent play on MV3 and local video tv as well as Friday Night Videos. Later, my need to know and hear more about them grew as I collected records and posters and pictures of them.
Fandom Participation
I started to seek out other Duranies on social media and found some that I stay in touch with. I have been to 2 concerts: Red Carpet Massacre was my first,when I thought I would never see them. The second was the All You Need Is Now tour. They were literally 4 years apart in the same place, only my former Duranie friend who got the tickets and also saw Depeche Mode with for Songs of Faith and Devotion tour had a falling out. It was at the second concert that I attended my first meet-up with Daily Duranie and I enjoyed that. I got to meet others and know I wasn’t alone. I like that being in a community of Duranies means that we all have our likes, dislikes, and favorites.
Favorite Concert and Fandom Experience
My favorite experience was the All You Need Is Now show. The first time I saw them they didn’t play Hungry Like the Wolf. They played Girls on Film as the end song and Rio was in the middle. This time started off differently but as I heard it, I smiled big and sang along! No Girls this time but there was an extended ending had me screaming and losing my voice early, but I loved it and gave all my energy that they were putting out. After the concert, there was a meet up and review, but that turned out to be a whole other adventure in itself. This ties into a fandom experience that did involve some of the band. This was the “Night Version” aka “The All Night Party in Room 7609”. It started with us walking down to place to drink and talk about the show. We then heard the band was going to be at a downtown bar so we left for said bar. We saw how crowded it was and left. Little did we know what happened next. We went somewhere to drink and found out at the place, the band was going back to the downtown bar. So we high tailed it back there and it was still packed. There was zero chance to meet them or say hi. I then noticed a group of people walking up toward the bar. It was the sax player, female percussionist and some of the band. I quietly said to everyone: “Heads up, Heads up, Heads up.” There was Dom Brown, Roger Taylor and Simon LeBon. We stood on the concert in awe and dumbfounded. Had we not gotten to the bar earlier, we could’ve gotten in to meet them. Eventually we got in, but the band had gone. We still made the best of it. We stayed till closing and then a late late meal to get us back to normal. Afterwards, we all said goodbye and good morning, as I had to work the next day. You couldn’t make this up! Afterward,I compared our adventure to “The Man Who Stole A Leopard.” I listened to the song and it fit perfectly with the song! A Duranie’s near miss meeting them, but after seeing them play, I’ll forever take that!
Quick Questions:

Favorite song:Rio
Favorite Album:Rio
Favorite Side Project:Arcadia
Favorite Band Member: Nick Rhodes
Favorite Video: Hungry Like the Wolf