Poll: Favorite Pandemic DD Activity

Alright, Duranies. It is that time again. This week, I’m curious about how you’ve been spending your time since March. Assuming (of course) that you were able to tear yourself away from real life for an hour or two, what content did you enjoy most from Duran Duran?

Next week, I’m going to take some time going back through some of the polls we’ve already done to see how the community has voted…so if you haven’t voted in the older polls, check them out and have your say.

Categorized as A or B Side

By Daily Duranie

Once upon a time, there were two Duran Duran fans. One named Amanda, the other named Rhonda. Over many vodka tonics, they would laugh about the idea of one day writing a book about their fan experiences. While that manuscript is still being composed...Rhonda thought they should write a blog. (What was she THINKING?!) Lo and behold: The Daily Duranie was born.

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