Poll: How about those comments?

Here’s the deal: I love seeing John, Roger, Simon or Nick engage with fans. I used to thoroughly enjoy seeing John on Twitter, for instance. It was, well, kind of a new world at the time. One where there was the slightest opportunity of having someone from my favorite band respond to something I’d said, and I wasn’t alone.

Math inevitably kicked in—there was one John Taylor, and 35,000 fans tweeting at him all at once. In more recent days, as John has taken to Instagram Live to do bass tutorials, or has hosted chat sessions with other musicians, there have been times when he’s chosen to not allow comments. Simply put, there’s no way to engage directly with John during those times. You listen, rather than look for acknowledgment. As a result, some fans have complained that he should turn the comments on and, “hear from the fans”.

I’m curious about what YOU think. Let me know by taking the poll below! By all means, follow up with a comment or two explaining your reasoning, if you are so inclined. -R

By Daily Duranie

Once upon a time, there were two Duran Duran fans. One named Amanda, the other named Rhonda. Over many vodka tonics, they would laugh about the idea of one day writing a book about their fan experiences. While that manuscript is still being composed...Rhonda thought they should write a blog. (What was she THINKING?!) Lo and behold: The Daily Duranie was born.

1 comment

  1. My biggest “issue” is definitely the people who are not actually commenting or just filling the comment sections with “I love you”, “come to my country” “sing I do what I do”, etc… if the comments or questions were “moderated” then I would definitely do like he did, turn on the comments on the last 15 mins of his conversation, but then, he was not even able to read them because there was so much going on and fast that it was useless…. That’s my two cents !

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