Last week, I saw this meme making it’s way around Facebook. In full-disclosure, I didn’t create it – and I am happy to give credit to whomever did. I just have no idea who started it, other than the RTN2Hs watermark.
The fact is, I very much identify with the meme. Most of the people I communicate with on any kind of a regular basis outside of my family are folks I’ve met because of this band. I can tell you that back in 2001 when I went to see the pre-reunion line-up at the House of Blues in Anaheim (back then it was located at Downtown Disney), I didn’t ever suspect I’d come to know so many other fans. At the time, it was just Walt, insisting I go to a Duran Duran show. I still smile and chuckle at the thought. If only he’d known what sort of a Pandora’s Box he was about to open by taking me to that show….
Amanda and Jason, along with so many others that it’s unfair to attempt to name them all (I will undoubtedly leave someone out), came into my life because of Duran Duran. That alone makes me a lifetime fan of this band. The road has been crazy, twisty-turvy and long, but I wouldn’t change a single minute or mile.
Sit back, think about the people you’ve met because of Duran Duran. Then take a second, leave a comment somewhere, and hashtag or @duranduran. This is the year to be thankful for what we have, without question. Let’s light up their social media this December. I’ll bet they’d love to see it.