Survey: Mount Rushmore and Beyond

A couple of weeks ago, Amanda and I had scrolled through our Twitter to see that someone had extended a challenge our way. Simply put – could we determine four songs that we would categorize as the “Mount Rushmore” of Duran Duran?

We are not two people to shy away from such types of challenges. In fact, we embrace them…so much so, that tomorrow, you’ll see such a topic being discussed on our Vodka Friday episode. Tune in, and you’ll be treated to overthinking what the topic really means, head spinning over eras, albums, personnel changes, and other types of nonsense before we hone in on what four songs *we* believe to be the Mount Rushmore of Duran Duran.

So, in fair play, we ask you to do the same. What four songs would you consider to be the Mount Rushmore of Duran Duran? Should you consider what Mount Rushmore really means? Do you think the songs chosen should be the pinnacle of the band’s career? Are the songs what make up their cornerstone? As you answer the question, we’d love to see your thought process!

Rest assured, you’ll hear ours tomorrow!

Answer below, or on any of the social media platforms!


By Daily Duranie

Once upon a time, there were two Duran Duran fans. One named Amanda, the other named Rhonda. Over many vodka tonics, they would laugh about the idea of one day writing a book about their fan experiences. While that manuscript is still being composed...Rhonda thought they should write a blog. (What was she THINKING?!) Lo and behold: The Daily Duranie was born.

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