Vodka Friday: Duran Concert Ticket Doormat Choice

A few weeks ago or so, I posted a “Memorabilia Medley” about concert ticket doormats. Basically, online sites offer people a chance to get a doormat made from a picture of a concert ticket. I thought this sounded like a pretty cool idea. Of course, I would want to use a Duran Duran concert ticket.… Continue reading Vodka Friday: Duran Concert Ticket Doormat Choice

Memorabilia Medley: Doormat

I know the title is strange. What do doormats have to do with being a fan or having a piece of memorabilia? It isn’t like I have ever seen a Duran Duran doormat. (Although, it would not surprise me to find out that someone somewhere has one.) It isn’t just something I thought much about.… Continue reading Memorabilia Medley: Doormat