So, how are you? This question feels to me to be a tough one to ask and answer these days. Nowadays, when I ask this question, I hear the subtle or not-so-subtle silence as the person pauses, trying to figure out exactly how to answer it. On one hand, people might feel glad or relieved that they are well as are their families, if true, but should you say that? Others are struggling. I know that I am. The political landscape and loss of an icon that inspired me has left me beyond devastated. My anxiety about the future grows. If that was not enough, in recent weeks, my dad has had multiple hospital stays and surgeries, causing tremendous stress and fear as I give what I can to help him recover. All the while, I’m starting from scratch as a now virtual teacher. This leads me to spend a lot of energy just to get myself to be “okay”. Honestly, I’m no longer trying to find happiness or joy but trying to get myself out of a dark hole of despair. Then, it seems like I just get back to even and something else knocks me down. Here’s the thing, though. I don’t think I’m alone. It feels like a lot of us are full of melancholy and stifling dread.
Like during so many other difficult times in life, I seek out fandom to help, at the very least. I look to Duran Duran to balance out the darkness, the sadness, the trepidation. Now, I even turn to fandom to help me answer and ask the question, “How are you?” This image below that I saved a few months ago will help with that. (By the way, I don’t know who created it. If it was you or you know who did, please let me know so that I can give credit.)

So, from now, I only want to ask and answer how the heck people are with this image. On a scale of John Taylor, how are you doing today? For me, that will make the question so much better, so much less painful than the regular question would be even if right now, I think I’m a number 14.
Readers, on this Saturday, how are you doing, on a scale of John Taylor?
Today, I would be #1 ! LOL
#16. I’m reading this on a Monday and nothing is going the way I planned it!