This Week in DD History: April 4-10, 2021

Happy Sunday, or Happy Easter to those who celebrate. My family and I are enjoying a glorious day together, as my oldest and her boyfriend visit with us this weekend. The kids all received Easter baskets, even though I think they’re getting a bit old for this. (except for my youngest, of course!) This afternoon… Continue reading This Week in DD History: April 4-10, 2021

Fandom Is All in the Family

The other day my family got together to play games on Zoom. This isn’t anything really new as we have been routinely getting together to play games, chat, discuss movies, etc. since the pandemic began. Frankly, it is a new tradition that I hope continues long past any discussion about Covid-19. The invention of Zoom… Continue reading Fandom Is All in the Family

What in the Heck is a Real Fan?

Over the years I’ve written for Daily Duranie and researched fandom, there are two things I’ve seen in Duranland specifically: competition between fans to be “the Best”, and a constant policing of the community in order to establish, and maintain who should be “the Real Fans”.  What in the heck is a real fan, anyway?… Continue reading What in the Heck is a Real Fan?

Not Even Remotely Light Conversation About Duran Duran, Part One

Do you recall your own perception of Duran Duran back in the 80’s? Perhaps you were a tween or teen…can you remember how you “saw” the band back then? Well, we begin tear this subject apart on this episode of Vodka Friday this week. Join us for a conversation that is neither light, nor shallow,… Continue reading Not Even Remotely Light Conversation About Duran Duran, Part One