A day later than planned, but here it is – my reaction to all things Anniversary, Duran Duran’s newest single off of the upcoming Future Past. Let’s get into it! -R
Category: My Own Way
Rhonda’s new Thursday topic. It’s anything she wants it to be. :D
Presales, Practice…and Joy
For the DD fan community-at-large, Tuesday became an important day as presales began for the upcoming, recently announced shows at the O2 Institute in Birmingham. The gigs are just a mere three weeks away! While they indeed present a bit more than just the normal struggle for international fans outside of England to attend, the… Continue reading Presales, Practice…and Joy
Here We Go Again
It’s been tough to feel more joy…or any joy… this past week. I don’t need to regurgitate the news, so I won’t. I just need to acknowledge what I believe many, including myself, are feeling. Life isn’t that great right now. I find it to be a near constant exercise of actively searching and finding… Continue reading Here We Go Again
I Like Where This Is Going
Hi everybody! It is late in the day for a blog, but after brainstorming with my youngest over the meaning of the lyric video (Why didn’t they have these back in MY day?!) for More Joy, I was inspired! This morning, I sat down to watch it the first time, and decided the video was… Continue reading I Like Where This Is Going
Let’s Talk MORE JOY!
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller from Ferris Beuller’s Day Off Yep, I did just quote from one of my favorite movies of all time right there. If you weren’t watching social media closely today, you may have missed “MORE JOY”,… Continue reading Let’s Talk MORE JOY!
Discouraged by the Noise
I know I said I wouldn’t write My Own Way this month, but with a new song being performed last week on the Today show, and seeing the reactions to said song, I decided a quick blog wouldn’t hurt. Before I get into it, I’d just like to thank Simon for some fantastic lyrics. It… Continue reading Discouraged by the Noise
Gone Swimmin’
Hello everyone! While you are reading this glorious little blog post today, I am in the car, driving down to Southern California for what will be the second time this week. Happily, I can report that this time, I’m taking a little bit of a break! Since moving to Atascadero, California just about two and… Continue reading Gone Swimmin’
Fans Look Forward to Touching the Sunrise…Next Year?
On today’s episode of My Own Way, I tear into the news of Touch The Sunrise in Ibiza being rescheduled until next year, along with all the great press surrounding Dom’s new album, “In My Bones” (out tomorrow!), and much much more!
As the school year crawls to the finish line
It’s Thursday, although I am writing this at around 10:30am on Tuesday. I have some things going on, and so this week, I’m writing ahead! After a disastrous school year, Thursday marks the final “in-person” learning day for my youngest. They’ll end the school year with the one class most disliked on the schedule (at… Continue reading As the school year crawls to the finish line
Music Lives!
This past weekend, I went to my first concert since Covid began. It was everything I had hoped and wished for…and I even danced! I have to believe that this is only the beginning, and that this summer will bring the same joy I felt this weekend to many others across the globe. Let’s talk… Continue reading Music Lives!