Music Lives!

This past weekend, I went to my first concert since Covid began. It was everything I had hoped and wished for…and I even danced! I have to believe that this is only the beginning, and that this summer will bring the same joy I felt this weekend to many others across the globe. Let’s talk… Continue reading Music Lives!

What is Red, Green, White, and Black all over?

Like many, I went online shopping last week. As it turns out, a certain band released a certain single named “Invisible”. If you’re already feeling lost, you need to turn around, go back and do your homework. Read last weeks blogs, watch a couple of videos, and get back to me. The forthcoming album, out… Continue reading What is Red, Green, White, and Black all over?

Ready for a little more “Invisible”?

It’s Friday! There’s vodka…and there’s the entire Daily Duranie team on a Zoom call! Hey, would you look at that, we CAN all be on the same screen at once! What could possibly go wrong??! Join us for another wildly entertaining afternoon of Rhonda attempting to drive the Vodka Friday train. Will they agree that… Continue reading Ready for a little more “Invisible”?

Invisible, maybe…but also alive!

Today is Thursday, which means it’s time for a My Own Way post! I don’t know about anyone else in Duranland, but I’m still exhausted from yesterday! I am way out of practice when it comes to video premieres, first single releases, apparently. I have never heard my phone as active as it was yesterday,… Continue reading Invisible, maybe…but also alive!