Random Fandom: First Time in Years

All You Need is Now

Earlier this week, my niece asked me an interesting question. Is there a show or a movie you wish you could watch again for the first time? I could not answer this question easily. Part of me considered shows and movies that had an interesting or unexpected twist that I wished I could experience all… Continue reading Random Fandom: First Time in Years

Fandom Is All in the Family

The other day my family got together to play games on Zoom. This isn’t anything really new as we have been routinely getting together to play games, chat, discuss movies, etc. since the pandemic began. Frankly, it is a new tradition that I hope continues long past any discussion about Covid-19. The invention of Zoom… Continue reading Fandom Is All in the Family

After nearly a year…

I have a question to ask my fellow Duranies out there. Lately, I’ve seen quite a few people (not necessarily Duranies) who have commented about things they hope to continue in the post-Covid days. Whether it’s mask wearing, the idea of social distancing (meaning keeping that 6 foot circle around you open), staying at home,… Continue reading After nearly a year…