I have to tell you all, the memorabilia posts like this one are not my favorite. Aside from music and a few shirts (okay, a bunch of shirts), I don’t have a ton of DD stuff. Each time I need to write a blog on this topic, I struggle to think of something fun to write about. I have pictures from tours, a TON of video clips on DVD that my dear friend Amanda lovingly compiled and then copied for me so that I could watch them at my leisure, several books, and smattering of other things I’m forgetting to mention. One thing I do not have, though, are socks. Hmm.
Since moving north, I’m an avid-sock wearer. My feet are typically cold, and socks are my friend, particularly in the winter. So today, I went online to see if I could find any DD socks. Turns out, I did.

Some, have pictures…like these above.

or these!
Others just have the band’s name, like the ones below.

Personally, I like the ones above because I’m not terribly flashy. For me, simple is best, but I think they’re all cute. I don’t think there are any “official” DD socks…but I think that crest design would look pretty fancy on a pair of cozy socks, don’t you?