Some of you might remember that I wrote a blog post earlier in the summer discussing the updated items in the band’s webshop. I am a big fan of Duran stuff, merch, whether it is a t-shirt, coffee mug, keychain or whatever. Thus, I cheered the heck out of new additions. I figured that once I ordered something, I would then have something to look forward to, something to remind me that there is more in life than crummy, awful news. At the time of that blog post, I suggested that the band add a jigsaw puzzle. My reasoning for this was simple. I had spent a lot of time during the summer doing puzzles as I found them relaxing. So I thought a Duran puzzle would be awesome!
A few weeks later, DDHQ added more items to the webshop. One of the major items was what they are calling the 1980 Time Capsule that did include a t-shirt, a mug and a puzzle from an early photo shoot!

I couldn’t believe it! I was in luck! This would be the perfect way to relax as my summer ends and the heavy duty work of the school year begins. With excitement, I opened it up and immediately recognized that this is not going to be easy. No, in fact, this might be the exact opposite. Let me be explicit. This puzzle is a beast. What makes it so challenging? It is not little as it is a good 1000 pieces. But, that is not what makes it so challenging. The color scheme is all a grey scale, which means that it is hard to differentiate the pieces. If that was not enough, the pieces don’t click in easily.
So, will I put it away and give up? Absolutely not! I will accept this challenge! I will get it done…eventually. Anyone else get this puzzle? Any helpful hints for me?
I wanted that puzzle, but it’s sold out now!
Boo to being sold out! 🙁 -A
Hi Amanda! I have a couple puzzle tips for you: (1) put the border together first (2) separate the rest by shape and work small areas looking for the shape that will fit in the next spot OR (3) separate by feature (anything that has hair or a face on it) and work those areas first.
Good luck and post a pic if the finished product!
Thanks for those tips, Angela! I’ll definitely post a picture once it gets done! 🙂 -A