When Does Anger Cross the Line?

In November of 2007, Red Carpet Massacre was released by Duran Duran. This album became the crux of many an online debate that yours truly participated in with gusto. Spoiler alert: it is not my favorite album. I had no problem engaging in “spirited discussion”. At the time, my opinions felt rational. Sometimes, you just… Continue reading When Does Anger Cross the Line?

Flashback Friday: Another Late Night Show

Did anyone check out the Tonight Show last night? I know it was their 1,500th show so that might have drawn some attention from the public. Maybe some people tuned in to see Kit Harington or Miranda Cosgrove. I’m willing to bet, though, that the majority of people reading this blog checked in out to… Continue reading Flashback Friday: Another Late Night Show

Undergoing Treatment

We are closing out our time with Medazzaland by spending Monday listening to Undergoing Treatment, the final track on the album. Self-deprecating, as well as what many consider to be a jab back at media and press, let’s get into it. Audio Lyrics Read “Undergoing Treatment” by Duran Duran on Genius Rhonda For me, “Undergoing Treatment”… Continue reading Undergoing Treatment

This Week in DD History: August 8-14, 2021

This is likely the favorite week of the year for many, if not all Duranies out there. For me, it marks the first week of school for the 2021-2022 school year. So long, sleeping in! Hello, rising before dawn, trips back and forth to school, and policing homework! What else is going on this week…let’s… Continue reading This Week in DD History: August 8-14, 2021

Biloxi, 2012

I remember waking up at the crack of dawn in Biloxi, Mississippi. It was 2012 and my inner clock remained on Pacific Coast time, three hours behind whatever time shown on Amanda’s phone. We’d traveled there after landing the night before in New Orleans, driving from NOLA to Biloxi for a show at the Hard… Continue reading Biloxi, 2012

Let’s Talk MORE JOY!

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller from Ferris Beuller’s Day Off Yep, I did just quote from one of my favorite movies of all time right there. If you weren’t watching social media closely today, you may have missed “MORE JOY”,… Continue reading Let’s Talk MORE JOY!