Memorabilia Medley: New Gold Crest Capsule Items

Last week, I noticed that DDHQ posted that there were new items available in the official Duran Duran store, which is linked here. What is new? Will they tempt me to make a purchase? The new items are part of the Gold Crest Capsule Collection. If you are unfamiliar with the DD store, capsules are… Continue reading Memorabilia Medley: New Gold Crest Capsule Items


Can you believe we are finally, blessedly, all the way up to the album Medazzaland? The ninth studio album, released in October of 1997, it also marks the first album without John Taylor (he left in January of the same year before the recording was finished). John’s work remains on three songs. This also heralds… Continue reading Medazzaland

Quiet One Brings Excitement

Photo by Gelatin on

It has been quite a week in Duranland, hasn’t it? I cannot remember a week like this in such a long time. First, there was a tweet announcing there would be an announcement. Then, the announcement itself was posted. Finally, another tweet appeared on Friday prompting more wonder and speculation. Since then, the Duran parts… Continue reading Quiet One Brings Excitement

We Heard There Was a Debut Having a 40th Anniversary….

Duran Duran - debut

It’s that time again for Vodka Friday! Sure, Rio might be 39 and without a single wrinkle, but the Duran Duran debut album is 40 years old this month. Let that sink in for a hot second. While we struggle to figure out where the time has gone, we also took time to celebrate with… Continue reading We Heard There Was a Debut Having a 40th Anniversary….

Her Name is Rio and She’s Having a Big Birthday!


Can you believe Rio is 39? I am struggling to reconcile that concept. I would swear I just turned 30…. It just doesn’t seem like that album has been a part of my life for that long. I still remember the very day I bought it. I can remember the excitement I had when I… Continue reading Her Name is Rio and She’s Having a Big Birthday!